Historic Episcopal Church Garden
This contemplative garden behind Fletcher’s Book Store surrounds the Chapel and leads to the parish hall.
The courtyard garden of St. Joseph’s Chapel has expanded in recent years and now includes two enclosed spaces. Entering from the parking lot, one enters through a wrought iron gate into the outer garden surrounded by a fence comprised of old stone.
The entrance to the inner courtyard garden is through a lichgate inspired by the belfry from the historical St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Belton. On top of the lichgate is a beautiful iron cross designed and created by Salado’s Tim Brown. A lichgate is an arched gateway, usually roofed, to a churchyard. Lichgate architecture can be found at historical church sites in England and at many Episcopal churches in the United States.
As one enters the churchyard there are several seating areas that can be used for enjoying the many facets of the garden. Many of the stones used in the garden area are antique building stones from former Bell County buildings; in fact, the stone benches are former window sills from the old buildings.
This lovely garden space has many religious sculptures and antique artifacts that one can enjoy along with the many colorful potted plants, the fragrant Jasmine that climbs on the back porch, the Mexican Plum tree and the Kumquat tree. There are many plants that are common in a Marian garden, herbs and flowers which have special significance for Mary, through legends or naming. Some of the plants in this garden pertaining to Mary are Rosemary, Jerusalem Cowslip, Oxalis, Ox-Eye Daisy, Clematis, and Iris (many of which came from old homes in Salado). These plants along with the beautiful artifacts will give a sensual and spiritual tour and inspire us to prayer and meditation.